02 December 2023

Shifting Houses

Excerpts from my house-shifting experience

Shreyas Gupta
Shreyas Gupta @sggts04

Shifting houses is making me realize the amount of junk I own. Like that portable blender that I thought would magically make me lose weight. Instead ended up gaining its own weight from all the dust its been eating since being used just twice. It did come with its life lessons. It taught me how putting badam into a blender does not give you a badam shake.

What is it about these products that seems so enticing when you are buying them yet you never feel like using them? I think its the difference between who you want to be versus who you actually are. Do the money saving people not have aspirations, or are they already who they want to be? Some say they’re putting their dreams on hold but till when? When do the fun times begin when mindless spending is justified?

Shifting to an unfurnished house is making me buy my first piece of furniture. I want to operate at the level these bed delivery partners operate at. I get a call asking if I’m available for bed delivery tomorrow after 9 am. I say yes. Next day 10 am I again get a call asking if I’m available for bed delivery tomorrow. 1 hour in and they decided the vibes were not right. I wish I could spend 1 hour in office then call it a day. Sorry boss your release can wait till tomorrow, I gotta go scroll reels the entire day.

Will live with flatmates for the first time. Less freedom but more fun with shared experiences. Will be sharing a bathroom, hopefully no shared experiences there. My girlfriend calls it a life lesson. She says one needs to get out of their comfort zone to learn these lessons. I don’t know what my comfort zone is, perhaps I’m already out of it if I’m living away from her.

My new flatmate is a good friend I’ve known since birth. Our common group isn’t pleased with this news. They think friends shouldn’t be flatmates. Jealous. I’m not stopping my plans because you have roommate issues. Take that up with your siblings if they didn’t give you a chaotic childhood roommate experience to prepare you for the real world.

My dad and I are discussing finances today. Not the best time for it as I’m shifting houses and going on a trip in the same month. I believed I was good at managing money. The discussion did not conclude so. Well at least my rent is getting cut in half as I shift houses. Not mentioning how I’ll be significantly farther from office and will have extra transport costs. So yeah my finances are fucked. Then again, whose isn’t? Having everything in order is an illusion, it’s a house of cards waiting for the hint of a disturbance. I say this as I increase the monthly SIP to my mutual funds. I’m a hypocrite like that. Then again, who isn’t?

I get a call, looks like the bed is actually getting delivered, the person is on his way. Funny how his lack of work ethic made me lazy but him actually working did not motivate me to work.

